Thursday, February 25, 2010

List of...

There are only a few months left of high school. It's hard to believe that the people I spend almost everyday with won't be where I am next year. At VCU! I'm so excited to start college in the fall!!!! To start fresh and learn more about myself...

Last night I went to small group with my sister in the first time in a while. I'm glad I went. We talked about insecurities. It made me realize how negative I am, how happy i could be if i focused more on the good than the bad.

So, what I am thankful for today:
- Noechel being in a good mood for AP and journalism
- Molly excessively wagging her tail when she sees me come out of my car.
- Having dinner with my mom and sister at El Cerro
- Talking to Mrs. Burley afterschool
- Getting a 7 on an ICE
- Going to God for love when I felt the opposite
- The Sun!!!
- Mr. Lewis' smile
- The fireplace that is keeping me warm

And although there is a deep pain present in me, I can still laugh and rejoice in God's name.

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